It isn’t every day that you get to help choose the winner of a cook-off. But attendees at the Perfect Bite Championships get to do just that at the Sept. 22 Indianapolis event, part of Paramount Schools of Excellence’s annual Turn Festival.
Foodies can buy tickets now to enjoy “perfect bites” from 20 of the region’s top chefs. Their votes for the best bite from among 20 chefs will help determine the top six finalists. Then those chefs compete head-to-head in an audience-participation-driven final event to determine who are the ultimate champions.
The six finals chefs will compete head-to-head and can cook with a single sous chef of their choosing in a 45-minute “perfect plate” challenge. Finalists will have a pot of boiling water, cutting board and an induction burner and pan in addition to a stocked pantry. A team of culinary experts will judge the finals, and the winning chefs in each category receive $750. Winners also receive a Golden Ticket qualifying them to compete at the World Food Championships in Indianapolis in November. This one-night tasting extravaganza features exclusive access to those perfect bites from 20 culinary masters as well as drinks, desserts, a silent auction and an open bar.